Some of our learners at Braco school have been enjoying Rideaway lessons through RDA (Riding for the Disabled Association).

The children who attend have a range of Additional Support Needs. The lessons for some are to strengthen core muscles, for some to build resilience and self-esteem and for some to help with self-regulation.

Our learners who attend are all highly motivated to take on the challenge. On a Wednesday morning our riders gather together and are driven by either parents or a staff member to Crieff Hydro Riding Centre. They are dressed in appropriate safety gear and matched with their pony.

I attended the first session with our riders and attended another a few weeks ago… what a difference! The children are much more confident and at ease with the horses and are developing super relationships with the instructors. I was an extremely proud head teacher.

Back at school our riders are building on their resilience…if they can ride a horse, they can surly attempt other tasks! Occupational Therapists have commented on the development of Core muscles, our riders are beginning to be more confident and be calmer in challenging situations.

The benefit of these lessons are starting to show. RDA would be impossible without the support of the ArDoch Development Trust. Thank you

Head Teacher Braco Primary School
"Riding makes me happy,I'm sad when I leave" - One of the pupils
"RDA is something he enjoys and improves his confidence in his physical abilities, great for him to do a sport he enjoys" - A parent comment
Some pupils of the school